Monday, May 10, 2010

Houston...We Have a Mail Problem

I still get excited to check the day's mail. There may be a letter from a friend or the new issue of a favorite magazine. Then there's the bills and the filler (i.e. ads and flyers, etc.). It's the filler that created the problem as it's the non-urgent and non-important stuff that got launched into my to-do-someday in-box. It got to be where you couldn't see the in-box anymore. I did managed to sort through a good portion of it and then stuffed the rest in a cardboard box to be dealt with after Yule and the other December holidays. To ensure 2010's mail does not become a problem, I established a Mail Control Center. I have a counter-top size shredder, a little plastic mail sorter and a basket to hold pens and sticky notes to keep due dates in check. Any unwanted filler goes right into the recycling bin. There are those days when I just let it pile up. When I do, it becomes my first chore on Saturday morning. This reminds me...I think the box with last year's filler "accidentally" got put in the attic with the Yule boxes. Sparkling Blessings!

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